Variety development


Schaap Holland cooperates with breeders and breeding companies in the development of new varieties for the markets in which Schaap Holland operates.

Every year breeding companies make seedlings available that will be further selected by our specialists in cooperation with local breeders. The new seedlings will be tested along with reference varieties on test fields. These test fields are scattered across current growing areas in the Netherlands and Germany. The picture alongside this text shows the test field that’s located on walking distance from the company.

Every sample from the test fields will be brought to Biddinghuizen after the harvest. They will be judged on many quality assets. After a couple of years of testing a limited amount of varieties make the cut. Only the varieties that got positive reviews and stayed stable every year will be officially committed to the European variety list. After they get accepted, they will be further tested on European test fields. Local farmers will increase the availability of the new variety so that we’re able to distribute them to our customers.

All these new and current varieties will be displayed at our own variety show. Check this year’s date.

Seed potato population increase

The increase mainly happens at specialized farmers in the north and middle of the Netherlands on light and middle heavy clay. These specialists are highly motivated during planting, selecting, harvesting, sorting, selecting and delivery to produce to highest quality product possible.

If a variety needs to grow as quickly as possible, in vitro and mini tubers will be used to speed up the process. Some varieties will be further increased in countries outside of Europe at the request of the customer.